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Wildlife of Panama

Snakes are common in Panama, there are many non poisonous species but there are some very poisonous ones like the Fer de Lance (terciopelo) for example. Some are night active and its best not to wander out in the dark unless you know what you are doing and have knowledgeable guide with you. Always ware protective cloth and high boots in the bush. Best stay on the cleared hike paths and don't go out in the forest, along streams or with thick undergrowth where you cant see a clear path. For more info on Snakes in Panama please see this page here.

In case of getting a snake bite get medical attention as soon as possible, its important the medic can identify the snake so the proper treatment can be administered, so bring along the dead snake or an image of it. if possible.

Viper - Poisonous
Viper - Poisonous

Eyelash Viper - Poisonous
Eyelash Viper - Poisonous

Green Vine Snake

Boa Constrictor
For more about Panama see