Terms Of Use
PTYbirds.com offers free digital photos and reference pictures for personal use on your website or any printed material.
We do have high resolution versions of some images, for commercial use please email us, see contact info below. All photographs are taken by Urs Hauenstein (most with a variety of Pentax DSLR cameras) unless otherwise noted. We are adding new images and categories as they become available. Descriptions of some species are from Wikipedia.
Photos available here and at nature-images.org are all copyrighted and may be used only under these following restrictions:
1. PTYBirds.com images may be used for free for personal use or applications, in school or study projects, as reference material or for non-profit organizations projects, as long as you mention the source of the photos with a link back and or a printed mention of this site, anywhere on your website or publication.
2. You may not resell or redistribute the photos from this website as collection or single images as stock photos.
3. PTYBirds.com does not assume any responsibility for websites or any publications where our images are used.
4. Hotlinking of images is prohibited and disabled on this site so you need to download the images and serve them from your own website.
For any questions, image submissions or link exchange requests please send e-mail to [email protected]
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For each visitor to our Web page, our Web server automatically recognizes the consumer’s domain name.
We collect the e-mail addresses of those who communicate with us via e-mail, the e-mail addresses of those who make postings to our chat areas or submit images and information. We collect aggregate information on what pages consumers access or visit, information volunteered by the consumer, such as survey information and/or site registrations.
The information we collect is used for internal review and is then discarded and disclosed only when legally required to do so, at the request of governmental authorities conducting an investigation, to verify or enforce compliance with the policies governing our Website and applicable laws or to protect against misuse or unauthorized use of our Website.
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Photoatlas – Travel videos and photos from countries and cities around the world – Sitemap
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