Attached we have a series of images of a Rufous tailed hummingbirds nest with its chicks taken over a period of a couple weeks. Photos where taken in Altos del Maria in Panama, in a mountain rain forest at around 900 meters above sea level. Rufous tailed hummingbirds ca be found from east-central Mexico, through Central America and Colombia, east to western Venezuela and south through western Ecuador to near the border with Peru.

Rufous tailed hummingbird

Rufous tailed hummingbird

Rufous tailed hummingbirds nest

Rufous tailed hummingbirds nest with chicks

Rufous tailed hummingbird feeding its chicks

Feamal Rufous tailed hummingbird feeding its chicks

Rufous tailed hummingbirds nest

Rufous tailed hummingbirds nest


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