Great Kiskadee image taken in Altos del Maria, Panama.
Crimson crested woodpecker image taken along the Pipeline Road
Crimson-backed tanager image taken in Altos del Maria, Panama. A nickname in Panama is sangre de […]
The grey-necked wood rail or grey-cowled wood rail (Aramides cajaneus) known here as cotara chiricote, chiricote, […]
The keel-billed toucan (Ramphastos sulfuratus) is also known as sulfur-breasted toucan or rainbow-billed toucan. Image taken […]
Lesser Goldfinch, Altos del Maria, Panama
Image taken in Altos del Maria, Panama.
Green toucanets are near-passerine birds from the genus Aulacorhynchus in the toucan family. They are native […]
Black Throated Trogon image taken in Altos del Maria, Panama.
The scarlet macaw (Ara macao) has suffered from local extinction through habitat destruction and capture for […]